What Is the Best Dog Food for Pekingese

Pekingese pros and cons

Pekingese pros and cons

Owning a Pekingese breed has many cons and pros. Pros of owning a Peke include the dog's calm and friendly temperament. This is the ultimate lap dog who enjoys spending as much time as possible with human family. Pekingese are small and easy to carry, which is another advantage. Owning a Pekingese has other positives, such as the devotion of the dog to the owners and playful and cheerful personality that brightens any day. Pekingese are naturally friendly and usually get along with other friendly dogs.

The advantages of owning a Pekingese include the fact that this small breed can comfortably live in a city apartment or in a country home as long as the dog gets to spend most of the time with his family. Pekingese make wonderful pet companions for seniors or for people with older children who can respect the small dog.

Cons of owning a Pekingese include the dog's physical traits like vulnerable eyes and short snout. The dog's protruding eyes are at a higher risk of injury and owners of the breed must exercise caution when letting the small pet play with other large dogs or young children who can accidentally hurt the dog's eyes. The short snout (brachycephalic breed) means that Peke is prone to overheating during the hot weather. Breathing problems are also common in Pekingese, which is another disadvantage to owning this small breed.

Pekingese have high maintenance needs and requires an owner who is able to dedicate time every day to care for the dog's luxurious fluffy coat. Cons associated with Peke breed include the fact that the dog's abundant coat can easily pick up surprising amounts of dirt during walks. The massive coat requires lots of work on the part of the owner. Brushing the dog daily and after walks is necessary to keep the coat in best condition.

Pekingese dog size

How much do Pekingese weigh?
Pekingese male weight: 6 to 12 lb (2.75 to 5.5 kg)
Pekingese female weight: 6 to 12 lb (2.75 to 5.5 kg)

Pekingese size
Pekingese male height: 6 to 9 in (15 to 23 cm)
Pekingese female height: 6 to 9 in (15 to 23 cm)

Pekingese coat: double coat with dense, thick fur
Pekingese colors: Any color, except liver or albino

How many puppies do Pekingese have?
Pekingese litter size: 1 to 6 puppies

Pekingese lifespan
Pekingese life span: 12 to 14 years

Pekingese other breed names: Peke, Pekingnese

How much does a Pekingese cost?
Pekingese price starts at around $700 and up, depending on many factors

Do Pekingese shed?

Pekingese dogs have fluffy, luxurious double coat that does shed a lot. Be prepared to brush the dog's thick coat daily to prevent any mats and tangles and also to manage the constant shedding. Pay special attention to the areas behind ears and also around armpits to remove any tangles that tend to form in these areas.

Some owners choose to have their dog cut to a shorter, more manageable length. Shorter coat is easier to manage and during the hot weather the dog may be more comfortable with a nice haircut. Clipping a Pekingese at home is a lot less expensive than taking the dog to the professional dog groomer. See video below to learn how to give a Pekingese a haircut at home.

Pekingese temperament pros and cons

Pekingese temperament is devoted, loyal and people oriented. Despite small size, Pekingese are fearless and at the same time very affectionate with their owners. There's nothing a Pekignese enjoys more than sitting on their owner's laps and being petted. These small lap dogs were originally developed in China, where they served as companion pets and also were used as a status symbol. The courageous temperament of the small Pekignese is easy to explain - these modern day lap dogs were used as guard dogs by the Emperors of China. As companion dogs, Pekes tend to build a strong attachment to one family member, but they possess enough love to share among all the people in his family. Pekignese are among the most stubborn small dog breeds and aren't easily trainable, which is a con. Some Peke owners are convinced that it is easier for the Pekignese dog to train the owner than the other way around. Despite Pekingese's willful temperament, these are very affectionate dogs that need loving owners who can spend most of the time with the small companion dog.

Are Pekes good with kids? Pekingese make great family dogs for families with older children, capable of understanding that a dog is not a toy and needs to be respected. The small size of Pekingese makes this dog vulnerable to rough handling and the breed is not recommended for families with toddlers or young kids. Retirees and seniors who enjoy spending lots of time pampering and grooming their dog and are looking for a quiet, small dog that is low energy should consider this breed. Pekingese are not suitable for busy people that do not enjoy spending lots of time grooming their dog. Fluffy dog breeds such as the Pekingese have gorgeous coat that needs to be brushed every day to keep it neat and tangle free. Potential Pekingese owners should be prepared to either learn how to groom the dog themselves or take the dog to a professional dog groomer once a month or so, and professional grooming services can be expensive.

Pekingese are good apartment dogs as the breed is quiet (Pekes do not bark much). Being a low energy small breed, Pekes are suitable for apartment living,which is a pro for Peke owners who live in the city environment. A few good walks a day at the dog's pace and some indoor playtime will satisfy his daily exercise needs. Pekes are also suitable for living in the suburbs - the small companion dog is happy wherever he can be close to his family. Keep in mind that if you let the dog run around in the yard, the dog's long coat will catch a lot of dirt as the dog's body is close to the ground. Be sure to brush all the dirt out of his coat after walks to prevent tangles from forming around the dirt, which will be more difficult to remove later. Many Pekingese owners who live in apartments train their Pekes to use an indoor potty spot for convenience. Training a puppy to use an indoor potty will be easier than training an adult Pekingese. With patience and consistency it is possible to train a dog of any age. Be prepared to invest more time into housetraining an older, more stubborn Pekingese.

Provide the dog with mild, regular exercise that will help to keep your pet in good physical shape. Avoid exercising your Pekingese dog during a hot weather because this brachycephalic breed is prone to breathing problems that worsen during hot weather. The dog can not efficiently cool himself off through panting. Have fresh water always available for your dog. During very hot days keep the dog in an air conditioned room. Walk Pekingese in a Y-shaped chest harness instead of a collar to protect his airways.

If your Pekingese puppy is going through a chewing stage, provide him with chewing toys to discourage chewing on household items and to save your shoes from his sharp little teeth. Make sure that the dog toys are safe for chewing so that the Pekingese doesn't chip off and accidentally swallow any small parts. Chewable toys can be used for teething Pekingese puppies to soothe the gums. Puppies and older dogs enjoy chewing and providing them with chewable dog toys is a safe way to keep dogs entertained.

Socialize your Pekingese early on. The crucial time for socialization a Pekingese is from eight weeks to about six months of age. During this time the dog is learning about the world and his outlook on life is shaping during this time. Provide your puppy with lots of positive experiences in different environments. Let the dog meet people of different ages - from young kids to older people. The more variety you add to his life during the puppyhood, the more confident the dog will be when he is an adult. If your puppy got frightened by something, do not reward his fearful behavior by picking him up or by special attention as he may interpret your behavior as encouraging his fear. Instead do not make a big deal out of that experience and change your dog's focus to something else. Keep the new experiences fun, short and positive to get maximum benefit. Do not overwhelm your puppy and enjoy this stage in his life.

See a Pekingese performing during a Crufts competition, video below:

Pekingese potty training

Potty training a Pekingese can be difficult for less experienced dog owners. Positive motivation such as treats and owner's patience produce best results. Most young Pekingese aren't housetrained and this is something that the owner will need to work on. Pekingese potty training may take several weeks and staying patient and consistent will help you to achieve housetraining success. Pick one housetraining method and stick to it until the Pekingese is fully trained. Most owners fail at housetraining because they give up too soon. Never punish the dog for accidents as this will only make housetraining more confusing to your pet and will take even longer. Thoroughly clean up the mess as any trace of dog urine scent will encourage the dog to use that area as his toilet in the future.

Continue to observe your dog's behavior for any signs of readiness to use the toilet. As soon as the dog starts pacing in circles and sniffing the floor, it is a good indicator that he is ready to come outside for a bathroom break. Immediately take the dog outside to the designated dog toilet area and let the Pekingese do his business. You may say "Go Potty!" in the process, so that the dog learns to associate his bathroom time with the command and will soon learn to use the bathroom when you give him the "Go Potty!" command. As soon as the dog is done with his business, praise him and have a small treat handy to reward his good behavior. With your patience your Pekingese will soon make the connection and understand what is required of him.

Using an indoor dog potty for the Pekingese is very convenient. The dog is always able to use the potty whenever he needs to and allowes for a more flexible dog walking times during the day. Potty training a Pekingese for indoor dog potty is the same as training the dog to potty outdoors - as soon as you notice that the dog is ready to use a bathroom, immediately take him to the indoor potty and once the dog is done, give him a small treat. This method will help your dog to associate using the indoor potty with getting rewarded and will soon know what to do when he needs to use a potty.

Pekingese grooming

Grooming your Pekingese includes wiping the dog's facial folds. Pekes may develop skin irritations and infections around facial wrinkles caused by dirt and grime that may accumulate there. To prevent these dog skin issues, be sure to keep his wrinkles clean by wiping these daily. You can use dog wipes to keep his face clean and dry. To get your dog comfortable with having his wrinkles cleaned, have some treats handy and reward your dog for good behavior. Start when your dog is still a puppy, but even an older dog can learn to accept the procedure.

Do Pekingese snore? Brachycephalic dogs such as the Pekingese are prone to snoring. Before you get this breed, ask yourself if you mind having a dog that will snore and may occasionally sneeze.

Pekingese nails need to be trimmed. How often should dog's nails be trimmed? As soon as you can hear nails making clicking sound on the floor as the dog is walking - it's time to have his nails trimmed. Training your dog to having his nails trimmed may take a few weeks. Use plenty of treats as you are handling his paws. After a few days try to trim one of his nails - and always reward good behavior. Do not rush the process and your dog will learn to accept the procedure without any fuss.

Brush your dog's teeth with "Enzymatic toothpaste" every night to keep your Pekignese's teeth healthy. Not brushing a dog's teeth regularly will result in yellow tartar build up on your dog's teeth. Tartar is difficult to remove and you may need your veterinarian's help to help remove tartar. Tartar harbors harmful bacteria that can cause dental and other health issues in your pet. Brushing your dog's teeth regularly and providing your dog with dental treats helps to prevent tartar build up on his teeth.

In the cold months your Pekignese's nose needs extra care. The dog's nose may get dry and the skin may get chapped. Using a nose butter for dogs can help to remedy the issue.

Wipe the dog's feet after each walk in the winter months to remove ice or any ice melting chemicals that could cause skin irritation.

Pekingese training

Pekingese are among the most stubborn small dog breeds and aren't the easiest breed to train. The dog responds best to positive training methods. Use positive reinforcement, praise and reward good behavior and ignore the behavior that you do not want to encourage. Bad habits are difficult to break and when you bring a Pekingese puppy home, set the rules from the very beginning and follow through. For example, if the dog is not allowed to jump on furniture, then you should stick to that rule and not allow this behavior. There should be no exceptions to the established rules to achieve best training results. Pekingese are sensitive dogs and should not be punished. Instead, ignore the bad behavior and redirect the dog's attention to something else. If you see the dog doing something that he shouldn't be doing, say "No!" once and redirect his attention to something else. Repeating the "No!" command several times will only teach the dog that he needs to hear the command several times before changing his behavior.

Pekingese health problems

Pekingese are prone to breathing difficulties and they are unable to efficiently cool themselves off in the hot weather. Never leave the dog alone in a car as even with open windows the car can quickly reach dangerously hot temperature, unsafe for the dog. Eye injuries are common for this breed. Some Pekingese may suffer from back issues. Be very careful not to drop your Pekingese accidentally when you lift the dog up. If you have young kids, be sure to teach them how to properly handle a dog. Kids should not be allowed to lift the dog up. Many small dogs end up with serious injuries associated with falls. Other health issues include patellar luxation (dislocation of the kneecaps), tear gland defects and infection around facial wrinkles. Be sure to keep the skin around the facial folds clean and dry to minimize the chance of infection in the area.

Pekingese origin

Pekingese dogs are among the most ancient dog breeds. These small companion dogs originated in China and were unknown to the West until the mid 19th century. The AKC recognized the Pekingese in 1906.

What Is the Best Dog Food for Pekingese

Source: https://www.dogbreeds911.com/small-dog-breeds-pekingese.html

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